Services Description Agricultural Machinery Training to Increase Agricultural Production
Moderenisasi in the Field of Agriculture to Increase Production
Along with the enactment of free market aka globalization, the flow of goods including agricultural products as well as basic foodstuffs, vegetables, fruits, other agricultural products will be more free and easy to enter the territory of RI. This poses a potential threat to local farmers and has the potential to create food dependence on foreigners.
According to Vice Chairman of Commission IV of DPR RI Herman Khaeron, the key to face the globalization is the efficiency of farming. Potential threats can be faced with 3 steps that are micro.
That is, increasing the amount of production so as to achieve the sufficiency of national food, increasing the efficiency of production costs so that agricultural products have price competitiveness. "Then improve the quality so that agricultural products have competitive competitiveness and strive for continuity of food supply.In macro such as the need for regulation of agriculture sector and better protection to farmers including protection from various natural disasters and the development of agricultural facilities and infrastructure including the development of domestic alsintan industry, "said Herman Khaeron in Jakarta, Thursday (5/10).
All these steps, obviously Herman, can not be separated from the successful implementation of modern agricultural technology. Through the government policy that prioritizes siding to farmers. Among them, by significantly improving the agricultural machinery aid facilities (alsintan) significantly, has shifted the agricultural business activities from traditional systems to modern agriculture. "The modernization of agriculture can be seen in the use of better and more effective cultivation methods, the application of agricultural machine tools with appropriate technology from the start of cultivation, harvesting and post-harvest handling, the use of superior seeds, appropriate and sufficient fertilization, the use of more agricultural human resources quality, and efficient use of natural resources, especially irrigation water so that environmental balance is maintained, "he explained.
Unfortunately this government policy is not fully able to go well, some of the causes of declining agricultural production in Indonesia is caused by:
1. The average age of farmers in Indonesia is over 45 years or has passed the productive period
2. No regeneration of farmers, caused:
- Young generation embarrassed to be farmers
- Their parents / farmers do not want their children to be farmers like them
- The assumption of being a farmer can not make rich
- Farming is cape and the result is small
3. Farmers can not use agricultural machinery (Alsintan), the government only provide assistance in this alsintan but not accompanied by training how to use it and how to care for it
4. Cropping pattern is less precise
5. Inadequate pattern of agricultural care (making maintenance costs expensive)
6. The way of harvest is less precise (farm laborers are getting less so that the cost of harvest becomes expensive)
7. Increasingly shrinking agricultural land
From several causes of declining agricultural production, especially food products such as rice, some things need the participation of private entrepreneurs and society in general to solve this problem.
One way that private entrepreneurs in Jogja use our services as agricultural equipment training consultants for farmers in Yogyakarta to increase rice production in the area.
Agricultural Machinery Usage Training (Alsintan) Training
Garuda Diesel distributor of kubota in Indonesia that sells agricultural equipment. Kubota has long been known and trusted by farmers in Indonesia and around the world with its farm equipment. Farm equipment from start preparation of soil preparation, plant preparation, planting machine, plant maintenance, harvesting machine to post harvest machine.
Garuda diesel in addition to selling agricultural equipment / farm equipment also has a consulting service and agricultural equipment training. This training covers several things, namely:
1. Theoretical training on agricultural equipment
2. Training of land treatment equipment (tractor)
3. Nursery preparation training
4. Training of persemain using rice seeding tools (Seeder)
5. Training introduction of rice planting tools
6. Training using rice planting tools (Rice Transplanter)
7. Training the use of good and correct cropping patterns that can increase production
8. Training for alsintan care
9. Training and introduction of harvesting tools (Combine Harvester)
With modernization in agriculture it will increase agricultural production and also improve the living standards of farmers, with the advancement of agriculture will attract the younger generation to plunge in agriculture and not feel ashamed to be farmers. This modernization of agriculture will increase agricultural yields and lower production costs and can also save the energy and time of these farmers.
True and effective training on farming and cropping patterns will provide great benefits for farmers and entrepreneurs in agriculture.
Training of Modernization of agriculture is divided into several packages, including:
1. Package Training of nursery and rice planting
2. The following training packages for the purchase of seeding equipment (Seeder) and rice planting equipment (Rice Transplanter)
3. Training package from upstream to downstream (training from start of planting rice to harvest) with harvesting machine (Combine Harvester)
For you Agrarian entrepreneurs / agricultural entrepreneurs who want to increase agricultural production or for those of you who want to cooperate with farmers by renting farm equipment to farmers, this training will greatly help increase your profit.
For further information please contact Garuda diesel at 021 3192 2919 or can contact us directly via tlp / wa at 0813 1832 4644
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