Dinamo Amper Kubota or Kubota Altenator
Dinamo amper / Alternator is an electro mechanical equipment that converts mechanical energy into alternating current or AC power. In principle, an alternating current electric generator is called an alternator or commonly called an amperage dynamo, but the general notion is that the electrical generator on the machine is either an industrial or a vehicle. An alternator in a power plant powered by a steam turbine is called a turbo alternator. The altenator on an industrial or vehicular machine is driven by a crankshaft or an As crank shaft or through a Pully and a V belt.
The current generated from the Altenator is an alternating current or AC current, since the need of the machine is a direct current or DC current the amperator / amperator is equipped with a regulator / kiprok to convert alternating current / AC current into DC direct current. the current generated by the altenator / ampere dynamo is changed by the regulator, then the current is used to recharge batteries and meet the demand of electric current on the machine.
Dinamo amper kubota / Altenator kubota available in Assy Altenator / amperage dynamo in whole or in the form of units / per kompenen of Altenator / dianamo amper, depending on the needs and damage to the system kompenen charging / charging system.
Garuda diesel is a distributor of spare part kubota in indonesia provide Assy Altenator / Dinamo amper as a whole or part of the amperage dynamo is the best price. In addition to the diesel amper garuda diesel provides all the spare parts kubota you need at the best price.