Established in 1958, PT. Garuda Diesel started its business as the first authorized importer of all General Motors (Chevrolet, Opel, Bedford, Vauxhall) automotive brands and Detroit Diesel products.
Since 1973, PT. Garuda Diesel focuses its business as Main Dealer PT. Kubota Indonesia, which markets various types of diesel engines and tractors.
PT. GARUDA DIESEL with KUBOTA’s PRODUCT always ready to give all solutions for different customers and different usage.
Horizontal Diesel Engine with many applications, such as Water Pump, Power Tiller, Organic Fertilizer Machine, Drying Machine, Rice Milling Machine, Welder, Generator Set, etc.
Vertical Diesel Engine with many applications, such as Irigations Water Pump, Fires Water Pump, Oil Pump (and/or applications for pump at national oil company), Drying Machine, Rice Milling Machine, Welder, Generator Set, Drilling Machine, Pressing Rubber Machine, Air Compressor, Tower Light, etc.
Generator Set with many applications, such as Telecommunications, Factories, Offices, Houses, Drying Machine, Transportations, etc.
Others such as 4 Wheels Tractor, Power Tiller, Rice Transplanter, Combine Harvester, etc.